Our Services

  • Sports / Remedial Massage

    Sports and Remedial Massage involves working on specific areas where you may have pain or discomfort.

    The appointment may involve tests and assessments to help identify the issue to make treatment more affective.

    First appointment is 60 mins to take detailed information about what you are experiencing, follow up appointments will be 40 mins.

    Deep Tissue Massage

    Deep Tissue Massage is a full body massage and involves long slow strokes to reach the deeper layers of tissue and some trigger point therapy to address problem areas.

  • Ayurveda Dosha Assessment

    Vata, Pitta or Kapha? Or maybe a mix? This objective assessment will tell you your dosha and provide you with some guidance to help support your health.

    Ayurveda Full Assessment

    Ayurveda is the science of life and is an excellent methodology to use to help you take your health into your own hands. The assessment identifies you and your most balance and your imbalances and builds a plan to help you become more balanced.

    It is a deep dive into you and your life. A thorough discussion along side herbal tea.

    Abhyangam: Hot Oil Massage

    Abhyangam is a beautiful full body hot oil massage. It's incredibly relaxing and a perfect treatment to help reduce stress. 250ml of hot oil is lovingly rubbed into the skin, starting with the scalp, head and neck then working through the back of the body, followed by the front and finishing with the face.

  • Deep Relaxation

    Deep Relaxation is a combination of gentle head, hand and foot massage with guided breath work and relaxation practices. You will be led on your back for 40 mins throughout the treatment for complete physical and mental relaxation.

    1:1 Yoga

    A private yoga session to provide you with a customised yoga practice or help identify variations and adaptations to poses that just don’t quite work for you.

    Breathwork and Meditation

    A beautiful session to guide you through a deep relaxation meditation along with breathwork to help calm the mind and relax you into the practice.

  • Postural Assessment

    There's really no such thing as "bad posture" but if you would like a trained eye to look at how you are structured and provide recommendations, then this the appointment for you. The appointment will start with observations of you sitting and standing in different positions and assessments of seeing how you move. You'll leave with recommendations on exercises and adaptions suitable for you. This can be a one off treatment or lead into a manual therapy treatment plan.

    Remedial Manual Therapy

    A process of assessing a physical complaint by looking at the body, how it moves and how its structured. Manual therapy such as articulation and soft tissue is used, along with exercise recommendations.

    Full Body Articulation

    Based on the principles of the yoga pawanmuktasana series 1, this wonderful treatment involves passively moving your joints through their full range of movement. Your joints feel "oiled" after. Great for anyone who has arthritis or regularly feels stiff.

  • Some of our services are also available online. Including a weekly online yoga class and 1:1 appointments for remedial yoga and ayurveda.

“Great explanation of what to expect as it was my first time. She came across as a warm knowledgeable person and I felt she created a safe space. Great at answering questions and reflecting on the experience after. Very calm voice.”

— Client Testimony

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Get in touch.